Manifesting Your Destiny Through Balance

We have two Natures: An intellectual and a feeling nature.
Balancing these two natures is essential to mastering your energy
and becoming a master soul which is the ultimate objective. First
you need to understand your two natures and how they work
together.   Let us introduce you to the power of your feeling nature
and the spiritual purpose of your intellect. When in balance you
are in the right place at the right time, your child like part comes to
the surface and life is a joy.


The Spiritual Nature Of Love

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No one can give you Love and no one can take it away from you because you are love.  Love Is Energy, you are energy.  You are the Love you have been searching for.  Join us at this workshop and experience the Love that you are. Create the life you need and want for yourself! […]


How to Live as a Free Soul in Today’s World

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There is no limit to your freedom. Your words and thoughts are more powerful than you perhaps realize. You are what you think, not what you think you are . As you think you create. Your troubles come because you don’t realize that you are the creator. REGISTER HERE To receive the Zoom Link. Create the […]


Thrive in ’25 with Heart Centered Living

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To receive the zoom link REGISTER HERE Over the holidays people have a tendency to leave themselves out, and as a result they become out of balance. The start of the new year is a prime opportunity to make a resolution to bring yourself into balance. Join us for this free class and rediscover: What […]