Simple Steps

New Spiritual Horizons is groups of people who have the common bond of wanting to grow spiritually without dogma, theology or a figure head directing and overseeing their growth. It provides an organized structure through which you can progress step by step to clarify yourself.

There are four simple steps:

  • STEP 1: New Spiritual Horizons Orientation Lecture
  • STEP 2: New Spiritual Horizons Technique Workshop
  • STEP 3: Weekly Study Groups
  • STEP 4: Advanced Workshops and Retreats 

Our Home Study Program gives you immediate access to the Spiritual Facts of Life and Techniques you can make practical in your Life.

With each step, you will learn tools and techniques that will take you deeper in your awareness of yourself as a spiritual being. You can be involved as much or as little as you like. NSH is a watering hole for the spirit to which you can return as often as you need. As you work with this program, you will find renewed confidence in yourself and you will enjoy your life more.

Our Home Study Program gives you immediate access the the Spiritual Facts of Life and Techniques you can make practical in your Life.

Step 1:- Spiritual Facts of Life

The Orientation Lecture is a compact presentation of the basic facts of spiritual existence. It gives you a universal understanding of your big picture as a soul on planet earth. You will learn about:

  • The truth of yourself as a soul
  • Life after death
  • The four avenues of spiritual perception
  • The reality of guardian angels or spirit guides
  • Your life purpose
  • The 7-year cycles of life

During the lecture you will have an opportunity to experience techniques that will enable you to feel your soul energy.

Step 2:- Master Yourself Technique Workshop

This Technique Workshop takes the concepts presented in the Orientation Lecture and helps you to begin making them practical in your own life through techniques and sharings.

During this three-hour program, you will have the chance to experience beginning-level techniques for:

  • Communicating with your guidance
  • Clearing and buffering your energy
  • Experiencing the love you have within
  • Tapping and directing the immense power available to you for healing and accomplishment

By the end of this program, you will have experienced the basics of spiritual communication and will have a feeling for how you can work with your own energy to achieve positive results.

Step 3: Community Study Group

Group-work is the heart of New Spiritual Horizons programs. It provides an organized format for growth. This is the place where you learn through consistent practice to communicate with your guidance, to unfold your “psychic” abilities and to take charge of your energy.

Groups are composed of people in your community and meet once a week for two hours. Each session focuses on a different topic. Each session builds on the previous to help you unfold more of the real you at your own pace.

People who have experienced group-work, have discovered profound changes occurring in their lives: deeper respect for themselves, greater harmony in their personal relationships and increased accomplishment.

Step 4: Advanced Workshops and Retreats

Workshops and camp programs where you leave your own environment and into a cleansed environment where it is easier to have crystal clear communication with your Guidance. 

You will  experience the fun and joy of your true feelings as you share your thoughts and feelings with others  and experience techniques with like minded individuals that you can take home and make practical in your life.

Everyone needs a break from their home environment.  A vacation with spiritual growth is spiritual real estate that you can take with you for your next life time.