live life to its fullest

Have you ever asked yourself the question what am I doing here on planet earth, that question becomes very important when you reach your 60’s. A lot of people retire in their 60’s and if they have not clarified, what their purpose in life is, they might not stay around too long, but if they have an inclination of what it is and they start planning or living their purpose they then enter that great period of their life which is called the Golden Years also called the Cycle of Inner Peace.

You might know some people who are doing just that.  Take for example, Colonel Sanders, he started the Kentucky Fried Franchise when he was 62 years of age and as he entered his golden years he became more and more successful and had many more years of abundant living. Some people take up a craft or an art and become very successful, they have learned to value their time; Their children are raised, they are enjoying their grandchildren and they appreciate the experience of the present moment.

If you are in this cycle and you have thoughts such as, I may have missed the boat, know that this is a great time to plan and accomplish your hearts desire, your life’s purpose. Your Guardian Angels have been patiently waiting for you to get started. Get acquainted with your Angels, they know more about how to help you accomplish your purpose than anyone else  Along the way you might discover the tremendous love your Angels have for you and the joy that comes from teamwork with them.

Some people do not want to wait until they are 60 to start living their purpose. For those that are younger than 60 and feel there is no meaning in their lives and are searching for more fulfillment, or feel lost or hopeless, this might be a good time to get involved in a spiritual program, so that you can get the backing that comes along from being involved in something positive.

The power you have  inside to change course and redirect your life is unlimited. Not only have you the backing of your Angels but the whole Universe has your back if you so desire it.   We certainly cannot prove it to you because you have to experience it to believe it.  In New Spiritual Horizons we give you the tools and techniques to experience it for yourself.