As a soul you have a Purpose for being here. You innately know what you have come to do. When you are involved in something that takes you away from your “niche” in life, you do not feel satisfied or happy. You don’t feel fulfillment that is such a part of doing what you came to do. You will have a feeling you are not being honest with yourself.
When you start following your inner knowing you will correct your timing. You will find yourself consistently in the right place at the right time. You will stop trying to force yourself to continue something that does not feel natural to you. Your life will feel smooth, like you are riding a boat, gliding smoothly down the mainstream of life in tune with the rhythm of the waves.
Think for a moment…how can you trust your inner knowing more? How can you honestly evaluate what you want and then take action? How can you be more sincere with your life purpose? There is a great need throughout the world for people to unfold their inner discipline. Discipline protects the inner drive to accomplish. It is like your army and navy advaning with you towards your goal. It keeps you on track until you reach the successful completion you envisioned.
When you know you can keep yourself on track, you will feel a lot more confident about traveling down the road of life. Without that trust you will constantly “tip toe.” You will feel like you are walking on eggshells – afraid to make a mistake. When you trust your feelings you stay involved with life, and where there is involvement there is success.
Life becomes simple when you realize that you are the one who is designing your path. When you take the time to discern what you want, set a goal, then move into action, you forget about asking whether you can or cannot reach that goal. That is not part of the decision. If you can think of a goal, you have the inner resources to reach it, or you could not think of it. All you need to do is organize your steps and trust yourself to follow through until you reach the successful completion. When you follow your inner knowing, you are bound to be more successful.
As a soul, you have the wisdom of the universe helping you to achieve the purpose you have created for yourself in this lifetime. Take the time to find out what you want to do and organize yourself to do it. Make it a goal to enjoy everything you do. Then you will be living a dynamic state of consciousness; you will be involved with everything you do. You will trust yourself in a way you have never known before.